COVID-19 appointment procedures in clinic

Dear patient,

In this document you will find the summary of the measures that we have to apply together during your next visit in the clinic. Our goal is, as always, to offer you an outstanding experience in our clinic, with the special new preventive touch in the covid-19 context.

  1. Before to show up at the clinic, you must read and sign the little questionnaire that you will find below. It is essential that your read and sign the form, without what we will not be able to let you enter the clinic.
  2. It is mandatory that you come alone at your appointment.
  3. Thanks not to come too soon to avoid a too big traffic inside the clinic.
  4. You must wear a mask during all the time of your visit. We ask you to bring your own mask. If you can’t bring your own mask, you will be able to buy one directly at the clinic at a cost of 2$.
  5. You must deposit your personal belongings in the wooden cases of the entrance.
  6. We will ask you then to wash your hands.
  7. Your chiropractor will not be able to shake your hands he (she) does usually, but he (she) will welcome you, wearing a lab suit, with the most beautiful smile behind the mask!
  8. For the payment, we ask you to procede with Interac or credit card (no cash please).
  9. For our security and our patients, we thank you to use the bathroom in emergency cases only, because we will desinfect, after your visit, all the surfaces that you may have contacted (door handles, tables, chairs, Interac machine, bathroom, etc)

COVID-19 Survey